Sunday, September 7, 2014

16 months

 The twins are now 16 months....they are always on the go.
**It is so hard to get a picture with both of them sitting at the same time now.
**We have almost transitioned to one nap a day, some days M still needs 2--those are the no break days for mommy!
**They love to chick-fil-a!
**Started back to waking up some during the nights (not sure if it is the first year molars or separation anxiety)
**They made it for a couple of hours with my parents so we could have a date night!!
**Love to be play outside!
**M is still very attached to his bear.
**Still not a lot of talking but always babbling away.
**Favorite show- Mickey Mouse clubhouse
**Favorite foods- bananas, cheerios, yogurt, eggs
**Favorite snacks- graham crackers, puffs
**Dislikes- (M) loud noises (A) being told no

Why can't I stand on  my table?

Those baby blues!
Mom, I am on a call right now!

Playtime at Chick-fil-a

Such love

Yes, we are twins!!

How cute are these little feet!


I think I need a new diaper

Reading time with our brothers

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