Thursday, September 24, 2015

Favorite Books

Books, books, books! We keep books everywhere for the twins to pick up and read. They have night time books, books for the season/holiday, girl books, boys books, princess books, car books, etc...
Our favorite book that is read every single night to the twins, Good Night, I love you! ....they have named it the Twin Book :)

Other favorites....

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Letter A

The twins loved the letter A week.
I am all about keeping it simple.
Each day I found a little project to do along with some of our daily activities.
The twins loved to have a special area to hang their Letter A!!

he twins preschool projects....
I started the week with the letter A worksheet. I actually print up a few of these each week. First day we color, later during the week the twins add stickers.
We also colored a plane and then glued the plane together. The twins loved adding cotton balls for clouds.
The dot worksheets are also great to practice adding stickers too.
My favorite craft was making an apple. For our apple I cut up red strips of paper for the twins to glue on a little paper plate. We added the stem and a couple of leaves on top.

Another coloring sheet to finish off the first week of preschool.

Other materials I used...
*The biggest hit for the letter A was the foam airplanes I picked up from Targets party section. They had the best time flying them around the front yard, the house, everywhere!!
*We also had a lot of apples! We ended up eating apple slices once a day.

It was a great first week, my goal was for the twins to enjoy the last weeks of summer while slowly introducing school into the daily schedule.