Sunday, September 7, 2014

15 months

It was just yesterday that we were celebrating the twins 1st birthday and today they are 15 months. The past 3 months have flown by. I am amazed by how much these two have developed. Every day they seem to be doing something new, I love to sit back and watch.
Our day…
On the days you both sleep all night J you are up by 6:00. We come downstairs and have our morning milk and cheerios while the big brothers get ready for school.

After they head out the door it is breakfast time around 7:30.

Your favorite breakfast foods—eggs, smoothies, French toast, or blueberry waffles.

You both love to have morning playtime in the playroom while I try to straighten up and get caught up on emails.

After a good hour of playtime you get to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I love watching you both run to the room and start dancing around when Mickey starts to talk. You love to dance, clap, and sing along (well babble away).

We then will read some books before heading off to morning nap. We have tried transitioning to one nap a day but M is just not ready yet.  M will take a shorter nap and then have some one on one time with mommy J

When A wakes up it is time for lunch then off for some outside playtime.

Your favorite lunch foods-grilled cheese, apples, chicken nuggets, and cheese sticks

The afternoon is filled with more playtime, then naptime. We also will run out to do errands if we need to get out of the house.
M loves to take his afternoon nap, A will play around in her crib for a little while before coming to join mommy for her one on one time J

Around 3:30 we are off for a quick walk to the bus stop to meet the boys. You just started noticing the big yellow bus and will clap when you see it coming. You both have the biggest smiles when your brothers coming running off the bus.

Lately you get to watch one more Mickey Mouse while I help your brothers with their homework and signing all the agendas that come home. We also lay out your red play mat and both of you run over to sit on it while eating your afternoon snack together.

The rest of the day is filled with carpool, soccer games, dinner squeezed in there, and playtime with your brothers and daddy.

The afternoon may be busy but right at 7:00 you know it is reading time. For 30 minutes you will sit in our laps or your green chairs and soak up book after book. You both love this time!! We will read Brown Bear 3 or 4 times, Goodnight to the twins, and Peek a boo. This is one of my favorite times of the day.  I just love all the cuddles and watching you two together. After reading A will go find M’s bear to hand to him then you both will go to the stairs and wait for us to carry you up. Lots of hugs and kisses to everyone and lights are out at 7:30!

Favorite activities—Coloring, going down the slide, playing in your playhouse, taking out Tupperware, kicking the balls, dancing, building blocks…..
A-     Green veggies, carrots, being told No, afternoon naps, hair bows

M-   Carrots, people yelling at soccer games, being in the stroller too long

Both of you do not say a lot of words but really babble!! M always has a lot on his mind and wants to tell us all about it. A likes to babble when she is on her phone!! Such a girl!!

 We love to see how much you have developed the past 3 months, we can’t wait to see how much you grow the next 3!

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