Sunday, September 7, 2014

19 months

At 19 months the twins are all about talking. A's vocab has taken off. It is amazing to see how many new words she has picked up in one month. M is still working on his words. He babbles more than A, and most of the time he babbles these long sentences. It is so cute. We just know one day he is going to surprise us and start talking in full sentences. M is also full of emotion when he talks. If he thinks it is funny he will laugh at the end of his babble, if he is frustrated he puts his hands in little fists. We can't help but to laugh.

*Both of them do not like hearing the word No! It does not matter who is getting in trouble if they hear it both will start to cry.

*Sleeping is starting to get better. We have actually made it a few nights where they both slept in their room all night. Little steps!!

*Your favorite activities--cuddling in the morning, bath time, reading time, anytime your brothers come in the room.

*A loves to sing the beginning of playhouse Disney. She will run around in circles singing Di-ney, Di-ney. She also loves to play ring-around-the-rosie with Luke. She will run up to him and put her hands in the air and smile.

*M is all about his daddy after nap time. Every day he runs right to Eric's office, jumps into his lap, and starts babbling away. Such love.

*The twins are also extremely active!! A hidden crayon made another appearance in the dryer, they have learned to turn on the dishwasher along with sitting in it, M has found a way to get through the baby gate and up the stairs when we are not looking.

*If I tell them goodbye A grabs her purse and will run to the door. M will grab hold of my leg and not let go. Usually Mickey Mouse Clubhouse will help distract them so I can get out of the house.

*These two are at such a fun age. I love seeing how quickly they are developing and how much their little personalities are coming out.

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