Sunday, September 7, 2014

Finding out there are 2 heartbeats--Part 2

Part 2.....there are 2 heartbeats

So I am really pregnant, we have made it official by telling our family. The boys were so excited, my family was shocked, and of course my mom cried tears of joy. We went up to Virginia for Thanksgiving and shared it with Eric’s family. It was perfect, Eric’s cousin also had the same surprise for the family. What a special moment to be able to share the same news with the entire family. I was glad Eric was able to tell his mom in person and to see her face. Priceless!

 It was now time for the first appointment! I figured this would be a pretty easy appointment, you know been there done that! I should have known it would be different when I went in and saw a new doctor at my practice. I think she was younger then I was, I wanted to see her delivery records. She was very sweet but I don’t know if it was the pregnancy but I went in saying something else must be wrong with me.  We talked for a while and she assured me that my numbers were pretty high so I was really pregnant but we would go take a look so she could measure and get a due date.

 At this point I was so in love with the baby, my heart was so full of joy….it was my head that had not caught up, I still could not wrap my brain around the idea we were starting again.

I laid there on the table and can remember being so excited to see the heartbeat. I loved all my appointments when I was able to hear the boy’s heartbeats but there is something about seeing it for the first time. At that point I really wish Eric was there but he was home with the boys, we figured it would be a quick appointment, meet the new doctors, get a few pictures, and set up the next appointment.

 The sweet doctor was still reassuring me nothing I could have done before knowing I was pregnant would have hurt the baby, everything was going to be perfect, and then she went silent. I stared at the screen, she stared, I saw the sac, and then the other sac! My first question---That is not a reflection there is it? She responded no, she thought I would handle it better if I said it first. Nope, still in shock!!! Yes, there clear as day, 2 sacs and 2 strong heartbeats beating away. WOW! I am glad I was already laying down. I started to laugh hysterical.  I could not take my eyes of the screen as she typed the words TWINS. Picture this, I am trying to answer her questions but still laughing away. She asked if she could give me something. I am thinking YES! I really think I need something now. She went in the hall and brought in my yearly doctor I normally see. Once she told me everything was perfect with the twins I was ok…. I pulled myself together, checked out, and drove home.

 I cannot remember that drive at all, I just left the office and then I was pulling up in my driveway. I walked in and handed Eric the picture, he already knew it. He had been telling our family that we would have twins ever since I took the pregnancy test. The boys on the other hand could not believe it. They were so excited we would be getting 2 babies. L was the most excited! I was really worried on how he would react not being the youngest anymore but he was ecstatic. We won he yelled, I was thinking won what? We beat the W family, they had one more and are now a family of 6, and we get 2 and will be a family of 7!! That boy is too funny, yes there is no competition in this family……

 And the pregnancy begins…..our hearts are all overwhelmed with love for these two little ones!!!

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