Sunday, September 7, 2014

11 months

11 months already!!

I cannot believe I am already planning the twins first birthday! I thought we just found out we were pregnant! This past year has flown by, my sweet little blessings are turning into little toddlers. At 11 months their little personalities are really coming out. A has been walking everywhere! She wakes up and takes off. If she loses her balance she will let out a little scream, stand back up, and off she goes. This little girl does not stop. M loves to use his walker and the past few days has tried walking more on his own. We will catch him doing squats to stand up, those are some strong legs. He has made it 7 steps before he goes back to crawling. He is our little speed crawler. If A is walking towards us he sits back and waits for a minute. Then he is off and he usually cuts her off right before she reaches us. Those two keep all of us laughing! I love to see them interact with each other. Their favorite game is peak-a-boo. A hides in a curtain and pops out with a great, big smile. M just laughs. He thinks it is the best game ever. A is also into balls. She bounces them, throws them, kicks them, and carries them around. M loves music and to watch soccer or weather on tv. If either of those come on he just stops and sits. When he sees soccer he yells out goal!!!

My first idea for the babies family party was to go to Pullen Park but now the babies are napping so well during the day I did not want to mess that schedule up. It has taken 10 ½ months to get them to a really good schedule! Instead we are going to have a family cookout. I love pinterest and have had so much fun finding the cutest ideas for parties. I have made several banners already, it is the best stress reliever! I love throwing myself into fun projects instead of sitting around stressing over soccer tryouts. These babies are going to have a very decorated house J

A few recent pictures of the twins…….

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