Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Welcome to the new blog!!

After several questions from other mamas I decided to begin a new blog to focus on what I am doing every day-- Twin Time! I will still have our family blog dedicated to our family life, that one is for our family and friends to know what the Bratager 7 have been up too. This one will focus on the twins activities, what baby products worked for us, ideas to keep toddlers/preschoolers busy, etc.  I wasn't sure I really wanted to take on another blog but after time in prayer and encouragement from my sweet husband and boys I decided to take the leap. I love this age, I love the friends I have met out there in the blog world, I love doing activities and parties with the twins, why not!

I hope you will follow along on our new adventure in the blog world. It is going to be an exciting time with these two!

You can follow along by signing up on the right with email or by following on bloglovin.

Children are a Gift from God. Psalms 127.3

Monday, September 8, 2014

Daily Activities

Each day of the week I try do a different activity with the twins. The twins love all the activities, Mom loves only cleaning up these activities once a week!!
I also try to incorporate the theme of the week with each activity.


Wednesday- Sensory Table

 Thursday- Water Table

Friday- Baking

Fall and Winter Themes

For the past two weeks I have been busy planning the twins fall schedule (thank you Pinterest for all the ideas). With two at home I need some type of organization plus I just love this age. People ask me all the time what we do at home and how I do it. When the boys were little we were very involved with playgroups, the little gym, and the moms club. With these two the mornings are the only time I get to spend with them when it is quiet. They get a lot of playtime in the afternoons with the big boys and with their friends at the soccer field. I wish I was brave enough to do more parks and outings but I am just not there yet. Instead we stay busy here at the house!

*For the Fall/Winter I have weekly themes. With the themes the twins will do a craft, coloring sheets,  and the daily activity. I also have books that go along with the theme that will go out in our weekly basket. As a treat they will watch a special show or movie that goes along with theme.

Aug 25- Shapes and Colors
Sept 1- Brown Bear
Sept 8- Food (field trip-Krispy Kreme)
 Sept 15- Farm Animals (Movie- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse-farm)
Sept 22- Transportation (Field Trip-Pullen Park to ride the train) (Movie- Cars or Planes)
Sept 29-Pirates/Princesses (Movie- Jake and Sophia)
Oct 6- Sports (Field Trip- Marbles)
Oct 13- Fall (Field Trip-Hill Ridge Farm)
Oct 20- Pumpkins (Local pumpkin patch)
Oct 27-Halloween (Trick-or-treat)
Nov 3-Music (movie- Little Einstein)
Nov 10- Weather
Nov 17- Thanksgiving
Nov 24- Thanksgiving/Family
Dec 1- Christmas
Dec 8- Christmas Trees
Dec 15- Christmas Nativity

Check back each week for our weekly update on what activities we completed during our week!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

23 months

I can't believe this will be my last monthly post for my little one year olds. In less than a month they will be two! The first year was a blur and the second year has gone by too fast!

A-Our little Princess. It is all about imaginary play. You love your little princess figurines and princess dolls. I love watching you share your sippy cups with your dolls. You love to have tea parties and cook in your kitchen. You also still love balls--you can catch, kick, and throw a ball..We have a special dance time everyday and at night you love to run laps around the house. Your favorite place to be is outside!

M-Our little runner! You love to be on an open field and RUN! You still love your bubbles and balls but you are happiest when you can just run. Every night you like to have all 8 of your books read. If we try to skip a page or skip a book you catch us. You also love playing basketball and knocking down all of your sisters princess dolls. You love all electronics! If someone has out their phone you are right there beside them. You are also still very attached to your blue bear. You are definitely all boy!

22 months

This month we went on our family vacation to the beach. M loved to run on the beach. He loved the sand, the water, the waves, everything about it. A enjoyed sitting with us. She loved to chase the birds and play in the sand.

The weather has been getting warmer which means more time outside.  Their favorite outdoor activities are bubbles, the water table, and chalk. M loves the slide, he would spend all day on his slide. A is all into her princesses and dolls. They both always have a ball near them :)

I am amazed how quickly you two are growing, it is hard to believe in two months you will be 2!