1. Two car seats. We ended up using the Graco Snugride while they were infants then purchased the Britax Marathon G4 Convertible Car Seat, Onyx.
2. Baby Trend Snap N Go Double Stroller. I loved how light weight this stroller was and how easy it was to snap in the car seats. Bonus- as soon as the twins out grew it we sold it at our local children's consignment shop. They are always looking for double strollers.
3. High Chairs. With a house full of kids we didn't want anything bulky in the kitchen instead we went for the Fisher-Price SpaceSaver High Chair.
4. Dr. Brown Bottles and Medela Pump in Style Advanced Breast Pump with On the Go Tote . While I had some difficulties nursing this pump was great to help get my milk supply going. I was also able to pump extra milk for those times when hubby would feed the twins and I would sleep :)
5. My favorite product--Boppy Newborn Lounger. Seriously, I am so glad I registered for two of these. I was told by another twin mom about these and she was right! It was a the perfect place for the twins to hang out and watch everything that was going on. They were also perfect when a little one had a cold, it was a great place to prop them up so they could breathe a little easier. Once the twins started to roll over I put them away until they were big enough to use them to sit on. They still love sitting on them during reading time. Another amazing thing, you can throw them in the wash!! YAY for making life easier. I can't count how many times I had to throw them in for a quick wash and they would come out looking brand new. I recommend these to anyone looking for a great gift for a baby shower. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!
6. My splurge item--Bob double jogging stroller. Oh my! This one is perfect if you spend a lot of time outside. It is bulky but we use it everyday. Our family lives on the soccer field and this stroller has been the biggest blessing. It goes up hills, great cover for the twins, each side can lay back (should you be lucky enough they fall asleep:), and it moves so easily. I can not say enough. The twins love it, we love it!! If you are outdoors a lot I recommend this one. I just wish I could use it in stores, a little too big so we are always switching out strollers before heading out the door.
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