Sunday, September 7, 2014

21 Months

21 months! These two are growing too quickly. This past month was M's turn to take off with his speech!! YAY!! Everyday he is starting to talk a little more. He gets so proud of himself and will repeat the word over and over again. His favorite word is Bu-bbles (he has made it two words:). He also can say mommy, daddy, again, ball, hi, bye-bye, cheese, (th)ank you, shoe, go, GOOOAL, and  ba-ball (can you tell it is getting close to March Madness). A on the other hand is all about her sentences. She loves to tell M NO, NO, NO and get down while waving her little finger. She is also crazy about our friends dog. We had to make a special trip to the bus stop one morning just so she could see Maggie. We keep telling her the dog's name is Maggie and she lets us know that No, it is doggie. It is the sweetest thing.

These two love to play outside, thankfully we have had some spring days mixed in with this crazy winter. They love to eat on the porch, blow bubbles, and play with the chalk. The favorite part of the day is riding the wagon down to the bus stops to meet their brothers.

*They still love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Play with me Sesame.
*They have discovered ice cream--Yummy
*Favorite breakfast-eggs, bananas, waffles, and blueberry muffins
*Favorite lunch- chicken nuggets, apples, and goldfish
*Favorite snack-strawberries and bunny (Annie's crackers)
*Favorite dinner- Spaghetti
*Favorite toys- (M) Balls  (A) Elmo, baby stroller
*Both love- puzzles, coloring, stickers, and books
*Dislikes- (M) not being allowed outside to play with his bubbles
                (A) veggies!!

Lunch Outside

Dinner Outside

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