Sunday, September 7, 2014

20 months

At 20 months these two are all about playing with each other. It is so sweet to see how they interact with each other and how they love to sit down to play together. Such a fun age.

(They both read the exact same way--twins :)
*Favorite activities together- chasing each other around the house, reading books, playing on the slide, dancing, and watching Mickey Mouse

*Favorite snacks- goldfish (fishies)

*Favorite food- bananas, strawberries, chicken nuggets, cheese sticks, krispy kreme donuts

A-loves to dance, color, play with Mickey Mouse clubhouse/princess castle, and do crafts. A has also taken off with her speech. She can now say 3 to 4 words together. It is amazing how 2 months ago she would not say anything and now she has a great vocabulary.  She also loves to wear her tights and bows :)

M-loves to play with all the balls, play trucks, climb on our bed, and be in the same room as mom. He is still working on his speech. His new words this month is Hi and Car. He is so excited with himself and will tell people Hi over and over again! He also loves to climb and loves to watch the weather channel.
Dislikes-mommy leaving the room, hearing the word no

My sweet 20 month old twins, love them so much........

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