Monday, September 7, 2015

Twins First day of school!

Three years ago I had it all planned it, this fall the twins would be starting preschool. Last spring I started looking into preschools. I checked into the school the boys went to. I visited preschools around the corner from our house but nothing seemed the right fit, yet. Abby is ready to go, Matthew is not. We did not feel right sending one without the other. With the summer birthdays we knew they would be waiting to go into kindergarten so we decided to wait one more year for church preschool. They will still get 2 full years going to a preschool but for now they will be attending the Bratager Preschool! While at our preschool they will be also attend soccer class together, ballet class for Abby, and speech class for Matthew.

Before they started their week of preschool we had to take our first day of school pictures like the big boys!

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